Sarasota -Lakewood Ranch - Longboat Key, Florida, United States
Green Realtor

Monday, November 10, 2008

Founding Member of NAR's Green REsource Council?

Last week I had the honor of attending the FIRST National Association of Realtors Green Designation core class. This Designation is something I am very proud of and look forward to assisting my clients and fellow colleagues with the knowledge I have gained. Being “Green” is something I work on everyday. Now I can be source of information of all "Green" related Real Estate information in the Sarasota-Manatee area. You could just feel the energy in the room of most Realtors attending….they were beaming and thrilled to be founding members of NAR's Green Resource Council. This Green Designation and program offers us the ability to operate as Ambassadors in the Real Estate community. My mission is to spread the word and be a resource for subjects including sustainability, smart growth and the simple green choices we can all make in our daily lives. If you need any assistance or have "Green" questions in the Sarasota/Bradenton area please give me a call or search my blog for links.

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